
The Loose Dandies - Inspired by "In Dahomey" musical

Soooo.. after the deadly Sweeny Todd project was done, I had to make another portfolio and solve other 2 problems, which were tall, narrow/wide shoulder, and narrow/wide hips.

The first thing that I did for finding the inspiration was looking at Victoria and Albert Museum website and I found out something about History of Black Dance: The Origins of the Black Dance (not being racist, but that's the title) and it caught my eyes. After reading it, I fell in love with "In Dahomey" (1920's musical)

Hopefully, you will like this collection :D

Inspiration: In Dahomey musical
Client: 17 - 22 Year old woman, living in Singapore, with Androgynous style
Subject: Design Research
Result: at least I pass
Additional notes: can't be copied, my lecturer saw these already, from the beginning 'till the end

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