

And yes readers, when I design something like this, it means that my heart is broken.

Trying to move forward when your heart torn apart is like walking on a fiery road. Painful. But, the earth never stop rotating from the east to the west. never rotate back. A samurai always stand strong and keep moving forward even though his heart is full of regrets.

11 June 2011
I confessed my feelings to the person I like. It felt good, but at the same time, it felt very painful. I messed up. I tried my best to move forward. Even 'till now. I was almost tied up.

15 June 2011
In the end, I won the battle against my broken heart. Even though, I was still sick. It felt like losing hope for living.

"Sudah, jalani saja, Dek.. (Just keep moving)" said my mom.

The earth won't rotate from the west to the east. Even how much you've prayed to rotate it back, it won't happen. Even though with regret and broken heart, you still have to keep moving forward.

This message is the concept of this design. This is my personal "Samurai".

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