
Final project: Sewing - Man's Bermuda Shorts



Hha.. I did this pants in 5 hours with rushing out like crazy (don't want to stuck inside a dark room; yes people, my campus isn't a 24 hour campus, lights are off at 6.30pm) the worst part is, i just did it the day before the due date.. XD at least my big bro at campus helped me out by cutting double sided tape to finish the waist band part XD. Thank you so much bro!! :DDD

Thank goodness that the program director (the same lecturer as color theory) said that it was a good work. hha.. (so happy leee). And my sewing lecturer told me that I PASS!!!

ps: sorry for the blurred image, I used my phone camera (what do you expect, I was in the hurry, don't wanna stuck inside a dark room)

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